Why there is no competition in Spirituality!!

Divine WayToLife
2 min readAug 9, 2020
( Pic Credit: Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay)

Have you often heard people competing for doing more charity? Have you often heard competition for doing good deeds? Two NGOs or social enterprises might compete to take more grants because of their sustenance or survival, but definitely, there is no question of flight for a good cause. When we hosted our first social enterprise yearly conference, the theme was democratizing social enterprises. Because in the field of good, the more; the merrier. Competition occurs in worldly matters such as money, land, position, etc. Today I will give you some astrological reason why we should not indulge too much into competition for our long term benefits.

Why should we not compete with anyone? If we believe in astrology, every individual has a unique chart. Even if two people are born at the same time up to minutes and seconds, their Desh, Kaal, and Patra or circumstances will be completely different. So if we have different charts, then it does mean that Karma assigned to us are not the same, which we have to perform. We all will go through different tests of life, experience our unique life situations, and evolve as a human being, because as we understand each life is an opportunity for the soul to evolve and complete its Karma log.

So in my humble opinion, jealousy and competition to others are futile. I am not saying that we should not be meticulous in what we do, should not be ambitious in what we do. What I mean to say that we should not always think about bringing others down by any means just so that we can grow or get more money. That’s where the whole life purpose gets defeated, and rather than evolving our soul gets newer tasks for the other lives.

To take this argument forward, when we go too much into competition and jealousy, we get a lot of stress. From the astrology point of view, our sixth house gets activated. 6th house is not only the house of competition, but it is also the house of diseases , debts, and enemies. We start getting diseases because of stress. We create more enemies because of our competition and jealousy. And some people also take a lot of debts to show off: to have a bigger house or a bigger car. Next time when you have stomach pain or headache, take a moment to reflect, are we going deep into some sort of competition. Is my 6th house active for any other reason which is giving me these diseases?

So my request to my readers is that let’s have a balanced and content life. Let’s only have healthy competition which can help our material life ( body) as well as our spiritual life ( the soul).

Stay happy and keep reading!!



Divine WayToLife

DivineWayToLife is a Blog for all the souls seeking Spiritual Food for thoughts in their daily busy lives. https://www.divinewaytolife.com/