Our destinies are intertwined!!

Divine WayToLife
2 min readNov 7, 2020
( Pic Credit : Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

I am sure you must have read this in many places or heard people saying that our destinies are intertwined. It’s also there in some movie dialogue. Is it so? What does it mean?

If we believe in astrology, nothing happens in life without any reason. Every person we meet, we situation we have good or bad, are mostly decided even before we are born. But then there is freewill, which determines some of the choices we make and some of the actions we do.

If we look at mythologies, one will realize a person gets a curse, and relief comes later in other lives and also decided who will come when and provide that relief. For example, during his exile days, Lord Ram blessed so many souls and relieved them of their pending Karma. Even many devils he killed, relieved from their pending Karma. Similarly, Lord Krishna did the same.

So my point here is that if we believe in these stories, then we can say that destinies are intertwined. One important thing is finding some purpose or path in life. For example, once someone decides what one wants to do in life, people and circumstance around the person also change. Accordingly, one meets with people, do actions, and go to different places. In astrology, it is said that when we decide our life before birth and what would be the main focus areas for this life, souls related to us also chose what role they would play in our life. And those are the souls/ people whom we meet in our life.

Hence it is said that from a single person’s horoscope, you can see the horoscope of all his/her relatives, friends, and others. That’s the reason why astrologer says that when this planet Dasha/ Antardasha will come, you will meet these people, or this person will come and ask for something or give something.

To summarize, next time when you pick a fight with your boss or colleague in the office or some relative at home, or when you are going through a break-up, just think that all destinies are intertwined and nothing is happening without a reason. People come in life to make our souls perfect on the ultimate path of salvation. So let’s continue the soul journey.

Om Shanti. Happy reading!

( Pic Credit : Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)



Divine WayToLife

DivineWayToLife is a Blog for all the souls seeking Spiritual Food for thoughts in their daily busy lives. https://www.divinewaytolife.com/